About Us
ALCEF – Aunt Lizzy’s Christian Educational Foundation –is the mother of two institutions,
ALCEF RIVIERA AMUSEMENT PARK and ALCEF SCHOOL. They are both located in the town of Limbe, Cameroon -West Africa; the school is right inside the well-known, beautiful Botanic Garden with the mighty Atlantic ocean as its “neighbour”, and the park is on the left of the main road that leads down into the town from the area known as Mile Four.

The Promoter of AUNT LIZZY’S CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (ALCEF) Mrs Ebob Evenye MBIWAN TANYI, named the Foundation in honour of her mother, Mrs Elizabeth Efeti MBIWAN née MBONGO known by all as “Aunty Lizzy,” a gracious, upright and courageous Christian woman.
She lived a life of service, almost from the word “go”. She started out working as a young girl with the missionaries who came to spread the Word of God in her native Victoria, and rounded off her active life as a selfless teacher and Head Mistress, giving her all to make sure that the children who were put in her care received nothing but the best.
ALCEF’S Promoter dreams of walking in her mother’s footsteps, and prays that she too may leave a legacy that posterity can be proud of.
The Founder of Aunt Lizzy’s Christian Educational Foundation (ALCEF) is Mrs Ebob Evenye TANYI née MBIWAN.
She was born in Owerri – Nigeria to Cameroonian parents, Mr Ebaichuo Agbotoko MBIWAN and Mrs Elizabeth Efeti MBIWAN née MBONGO, on 1st May, 1958. She is married to Mr Robinson TANYI, and is a mother of three children – the twins Randall and Brenda and their little brother, Jordan.
- Master’s Degree, TESOL (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages), University of Manchester, England.
- Bachelor’s Degree, Education/English, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
- Teacher of English Language and Literature, Lycée Bilingue, Molyko, Buea (Sept.1979 – June 1987)
- Head of English Department, Lycée Bilingue, Molyko, Buea (Sept. 1984 – Jun 1987)
- Teacher of English, Yaoundé Pilot Centre (BTP – Bilingual Training Programme) (Sept.1988 – May 1989)
- Teacher of English, Douala Linguistic Centre (May 1989 – Jan. 1991)
- “Chargée d’études,” Yaoundé Pilot Centre (Feb. 1991 – Nov. 1995)
- Director, Douala Linguistic Centre (Nov. 1995 – Present)
- Member, Student Teachers’ Association University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- Associate Lecturer, Teachers’ Exam Preparation classes, Buea Marker of GCE O’ Level Eng. Language (1980 – 1986)
- Member, ISA, University of Manchester
- IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) Conference Edinburgh, Scotland
- ISMP (Institut Supérieure de Management Publique) Seminar on Management, Yaoundé
- BTP (Bilingual Training Programme) Seminar on Organizational Devt.
- BTP Seminar on Strategic Development
- BTP Seminar on Marketing.
- The Anna Forbang Award for Best all-round student, Saker Baptist College, Victoria. June 1974
- Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Valeur (Cameroon National Award) Since 20th May, 1998
- Officier de l’Ordre de la valeur (Cameroon National Award) Since 20th May, 2014